What to EXPECT
Attending services at Seneca Assembly of God, you will find loving people who have come together to worship Jesus as they are. The praise and worship songs are a critical part of this and represents an important part of who we are. The communal praise and worship prepare our hearts to hear God’s anointed Word presented by Spirit filled preachers.
Communion is usually shared on the 1st Sunday of the month and is open to all believers, regardless of church affiliation.
The offering is also an important part of our worship; we enjoy giving back a small portion of what God has given to us, acknowledging all we have is His. Giving is voluntary and a visitor should feel under no obligation to give unless moved to do so.
Dress is casual and everyone is welcome at Seneca Assembly of God. Come as you are; you will find a safe place where loving people are ready to embrace you.
Sunday School 9am
Worship Service 10am
Prayer 6pm (First Sunday)
277 E Shipyard Rd
Seneca, IL 61360
Monthly PRAYER
The church body comes together for a prayer service on the 1st Sunday of the month.
6 PM
Wednesday nights are considered Family Night and parents and children begin in the sanctuary for prayer and praise and worship. Following this, adults remain in the sanctuary for Adult Bible Study taught by Associate Pastor Frank Mata.
Girls go to one of the classrooms for the Girls Ministry program and the boys go to another classroom for the Royal Rangers program.
Pastor Frank Mata

Frank has served as pastor for three churches and has been ordained by the Assemblies of God for almost thirty years. In addition to serving in Seneca, he is a chaplain with Marketplace Chaplains, going to businesses and visiting with employees giving help and encouragement from a biblical perspective. He has pastored churches in Sorento, and Morris Illinois, and has been a popular guest speaker in the northern Illinois area.
He and his wife Kathy have three sons and three grandchildren. Frank enjoys reading, working out, music, basketball and playing guitar.